Music and Solar Eclipse
viewing event
The idea
In 2007, a group of friends had an idea to put on a rock concert that would be centered around the total solar eclipse of 2017. Charlie Lotspeich has been writing the music and story line while collaborating with other musicians over the years to develop this performance. He calls it: Space Walk.
On August 21st, 2017 North America experienced a total solar eclipse. There had not been a solar event like this, that touched the North American mainland, since the 1970's. The first concert was held in Kilgore Park, Cross Plains Tennessee.
On April 8th, 2024 North America will experience another total solar eclipse. This time the event will be traveling through a different portion of the country. In order to experience a full total solar eclipse you must be within the path of totality (check it out! Path of Totality ). If your location does not fall within this path you will only be able to see a partial eclipse.
This event will be held at Bill Allen park’s amphitheater (5900 Carroll Dr, The Colony, TX 75056) and we will experience a totality of 2 minutes and 45 seconds. It will be open to the public where guests can check out science exhibits that focus on solar eclipses and their history as well as a gallery of art based on the music of Space Walk. The main feature of this event will be a progressive rock performance of Space Walk by the band "Girls on Bikes".
The story line that follows the music of Space Walk is featured below.
If you are interested in attending the event, please keep up with our website for details leading up to the event. Worried that you won't be able to make it? This performance will be live streamed through our Facebook page. This will be the best way to view the eclipse without actually being there!
Timeline of events
Timeline based on The Colony, Texas. The concert will begin at the start of the C1 phase (12:23 pm). We will break at 1:41 pm after our performance of “Dream With Me” and watch totality (C2 phase). Then we will play our finale after the eclipse is over. Music should be wrapped up by 2:00 pm.
11:00 a.m. park opens to public
12:23:49 C1 Phase starts
1:41:39 C2 Totality begins
1:44:26 C3 Totality ends
3:02 C4 Phase ends
Parking and walking path map
Below you will mind a map with the locations to park for this event along with the walking path within the park to reach the amphitheater. Restrooms (porta-potties) are marked with a star. Parking lots are marked with a red box. Secondary and alternative parking will be on the streets of the surrounding neighborhood. The amphitheater is in the middle of the park, there is a sidewalk that leads you straight to it. On the day of the event, we will have signs out for you to follow to the event that will say: “Space Walk this way”. If you have any questions about where to go, please email:
Solar Eclipse
info./Fun Facts
If you are not familiar with solar eclipses, then here is an article that gives you basic information about the three different types of eclipses: Solar Eclipse Facts
Here is a great resource for specific eclipse information for each state within the path (especially TEXAS!): National Eclipse Information
Here is an awesome article about the 2024 eclipse: First look at 2024 eclipse
Viewing the Eclipse
If you plan on observing the solar eclipse, please be sure to take care of your sight and protect your vision! You must use approved solar glasses or shades to look directly at the event. IT IS NOT SAFE TO LOOK AT THE SUN WITH ANYTHING OTHER THAN THESE GLASSES! Regular sunglasses are not dark enough to protect you (even a black trash-bag is not dark enough!).
The Space Walk event will provide Eclipse Glasses (Eclipse Shades® Safe Solar Glasses) for a small fee. They are absolutely safe for direct solar viewing of solar eclipses, sun spots and other solar phenomenon. Meets the Standard for ISO 12312-2:2015
When can you watch the Eclipse?
There are two major parts to a solar eclipse (technically 4): a partial phase, where the Moon only blocks a part of the Sun, and the total phase, where the Moon completely blocks out the Sun. Depending on your location, the partial phase will last about three hours from start to finish. IF you are in the path of totality, the total phase (in the middle of the partial phase before and after) lasts a maximum of 4 minutes 21 seconds at the center of the path. On the edge, total eclipse will last only a few seconds. Fortunately, Space Walk will take place within the path of totality and the total phase will last for 2 minutes and 35 seconds. If you cannot be there, please check out our Facebook page for live streaming!
Here is the specific information about the path of totality in your area: Eclipse Path
Make plans soon!
People from all over the world will be traveling to witness this event. Fortunately, if you live in Texas a majority of us will be able to witness the event from our own back yard. Our performance will be held in The Colony, Texas at Bill Allen park amphitheater.
Space Walk:
The Story behind the music
Intro to the Universe:
The universe is a series of galaxies designed to use its solar systems as planet factories. Each galaxy has been assigned an "engineer" to collect the planets that their solar systems create. The engineers were the first forms of life in the universe. These shadow giants were given abilities to cultivate their galaxies with the healthiest crops of planets for the creator. Without the planets to fuel the creator, the fabric of the universe would tear itself apart, wiping out all forms of life. These engineers are located at the center of their galaxies where they can tinker with the solar system's that will create the planets. Each star produces planets inside of its core and ejects them one at a time. As the planet drifts further away from the star it begins to harden and become suitable for universal consumption. Once a planet reaches the end of the solar systems cooling spiral orbit, it is collected by the galaxy's engineer and transported through the black hole at the center of the galaxy. Our Galaxy is serviced by the shadow giant they call "Galaxis". Galaxis began to experiment with his solar system by creating life forms that lived on the planets that the stars were producing. Earth gave birth to a civilization that evolved at an alarming rate. Unfortunately, their time in the sun's fertile source of light was coming to an end. Earth was becoming the next Mars. Pluto was collected by Galaxis and taken to the center of the universe to power the creator. A new planet emerges from the sun and Earth knows it must act now if it wants to survive. The solar system uses Meteor showers to merge new elements with the planets when they reach different temperatures. This method creates the proper chemical make-up for the planets to be consumed by the creator. Unfortunately for Earth, the meteor shower will wipe out the life forms living there.
As a child, Emit always knew that he was different from the other children in his class. He felt connected to the world around him in a way that made him feel uneasy. It started with skipping stones... His friend Bilon challenged him to skip a stone further than him. Bilon threw for 10 skips; no one had ever thrown in the double digits before! Emit chose his stone carefully, making sure that it was perfect for its journey. He began to concentrate on the water and the stone in his hand. When he tossed the stone, it began to skip across the lake like a rocket! His excitement triggered the telekinetic abilities that lay dormant in his mind and the rock fired through a boat that was crossing the lake. As the ship began to sink the men on the boat began to shout for help. Emit suddenly realized what he had done and ran home to escape being punished for sinking the boat. That night Emit dreamed of a nearby meadow. The stream was peacefully flowing past the rocks, down the waterfall that led to the lake. Feeling safe in his dreamworld, Emit began to lift the boulders out of the stream with his mind. As he spun the rocks around more and more debris began to gather above his head. He began to lose control of his abilities and the mass of Earth began to drag the nearby town into its core. Emit was terrified of what he had created and he awoke in fear. When he left his home Emit discovered that this was no dream and his small town had been ripped away from the Earth as if it had never existed. As he looked upon what he had done his sister Kendra put her hand on his shoulder assuring him that he was safe. The authorities ruled the event a natural disaster and Emit's family was relocated. Kendra felt that Emit's power could be very lucrative if used the right way. They began to put on shows that demonstrated Emit's abilities. He would juggle cars and commit other fascinating feats for audiences all over the world. Word of his fantastic abilities spread throughout the world and he quickly became one of the most famous beings in the country. The pressure of doing show after show for larger and larger audiences began to get to him. He began to question these gifts and demanded to know why they were being used in this way. The inner struggle was driving him mad and he finally lost control over his abilities again. He began to throw buses and buildings around like they were toys. The news about the destruction of the city quickly spread to the world authorities and Emit was apprehended. Emit pleaded with the world to remove his powers and make him forget his abilities, so that he could return to a quiet life. The authorities decided that a power like this was too great to remove entirely. They brainwashed him into forgetting about his abilities, but left a series of trigger words that would allow for his powers to be awoken if the world needed them. When read in order, Emit's powers would come back to him and he would become the telekinetic being the Earth would need him to be.
Space Walk I:
Space Walk is the story of Emit Caps' journey towards the center of the galaxy. As the solar system begins to shift and Earth is about to be pummeled by a meteor shower, the world council decides to send the trigger letter to Emit in a last ditch effort to save the planet. Emit reads the coded letter and his telekinetic abilities reawakened. The meteor shower begins to descend upon Earth and the world begins to panic. Instinctively, Emit is able to repel the impending doom and Earth is saved. As time progresses the planet will shift farther from our sun, ultimately changing its way of life and slowly extinguishing it as the planet begins to cool. Humanity's only hope is that the galaxy's head engineer (Galaxis) can be bargained with and the time line of our stars factory can be changed. Emit is terrified of using his powers again and causing harm to his beloved home, but resolves that he will make this journey for the good of mankind. The creatures of Zang (inhabitants of Venus) get word of this journey and hatch a plan to sabotage the navigation systems in Emit's ship. They need Venus to enter into Earth's spot in the solar system, so their planet can start to thrive. The creatures alter the navigation controls of Emit's ship and send him off course, in the path of another meteor shower. The ship takes off and journeys through space. It travels the course set by the creatures of Zang, instead of heading toward the gateway to Galaxis, the black hole at the center of our galaxy. Emit arrives at his destination and realizes that something is wrong. He puts on his space suit and exits the ship in order to have a look around. Soon after, the meteor shower begins to destroy his ship. He tries to use his powers, but cannot concentrate enough to save his ship. With his ship destroyed, he is left in space to walk about until he can regain control of his powers.
Woody’s Cosmic Dance PArty
In this chapter you are introduced to Woody the cosmic bounty hunter. He has a reputation for bringing in some of the galaxies worst criminals. Most of the criminals he collected could be found in bars and brothels, fraternizing with the lowest of creatures of the outer regions. His tactics were simple, carry a photo and a gun. Woody never liked to know why a criminal was wanted, it complicated the job. While he was notorious for being an emotionless machine, he did have a soft side. Woody loved to dance... You could see it in his gun-fights, the way he could dodge a spray of bullets or level an opponent with speed and grace, everyone could tell that Woody lived to dance. One night, Woody was given a new target by the name of Nadera Calindora (the "Deadly Sunflower"). Nadera was referred to as the Deadly Sunflower because of the flowers she would leave at the graves of her enemies. He knew this would be a challenge for him, for tales of her "dancing" abilities were as wildly told as his own. The bar was full of the usual characters, shifty eyes and whispered messages told Woody that he was in the right place. He saw the Sunflower on the dance floor. Her photo did not do her justice, for her beauty was beyond what he could comprehend. They exchanged words and the dance began. The music was loud and spirited, the entire place was fixated on the two legends as they engaged in their dance. As the night drew on, the two kindred spirits pushed away the pressures of the bounty and enjoyed the game. At the end of the night, Woody lifted his head from the bar as the bar tender called out "Last call folks!". She was gone. Some say that she escaped, but only a fool would believe that Woody would let a bounty go. The Sunflower lived another day and Woody grabbed another dance partner.
Space Walk 2
Emit looked out among the stars, unable to find a familiar constellation. He looked for anything that could be used as an anchor, however nothing came within reach. As he reached for the hull of the ship he felt a strange vibration go through his body. He closed his eyes and he focused on the vibration, and when he did the piece of the ship he was reaching for began to move. Fear had made him tap into his power back on Earth and it was beginning to work again. This time felt different though; it was as if he were connected to the stars around him. The vibration was becoming more intense, and all of a sudden Emit shot forward through space at an alarming rate. The wreckage of the ship had been left behind and Emit was in a new corner of space. Time and space had bent to his will, and the vibration was stronger than ever. He began to concentrate harder on that feeling and began to zip around the solar system. Soon he was traveling so fast that the stars were blurring together and Emit lost all sense of direction. So he put the brakes on and his joy ride came to a halt. All of a sudden, Emit found himself in the middle of a war zone. Woody saw Emit and muttered “What the hell is a kid doing out here?!”. Woody used the flight pack on his back to shoot out and grab Emit while he moved him to the safety of a nearby meteor. Emit exclaimed “Who are you!? What is happening?!”, Woody replied “My name is Woody, and you are in the middle of my war with the Zeezarpalon clan. Can you shoot a gun?”. Emit looked at the rugged space cowboy and nodded his head nervously. “Good” said Woody “Shoot for their oxygen tanks, it makes a hell of a mess”. Then he took off into the fray, spraying the enemy with a fury of bullets from what looked like a western pistol. Enemies were scurrying away as he laid siege to their camp among the asteroid belt. Woody yelled “I have been hunting these savages for 30 years and I finally have them right where I want them!”. Emit looked out on the battlefield and was terrified, but the sly grin on Woody’s face made him feel like he was on the right side. At that moment, the Zeezarpalon leader lunged out at Emit, startling him. Emit shot his blaster but missed, vanishing off into space. Woody saw what happened and pounced on the enemy that was pinning Emit to the meteor. There was a struggle; both men firing their weapons at one another until Woody emerged victorious. Woody collapsed on the meteor and Emit rushed to his side. “Why were you fighting those creatures Woody?” asked Emit.“They killed my family and destroyed my home planet. Those savages have been tearing apart this system for decades, and I finally got their leader. I wish I had more time to get the rest, they will never stop.” Woody replied. Emit looked down at him and noticed that Woody was wounded. The leader had dealt a fatal blow before perishing himself. “Get out of here kid, I don’t know who you are but this isn’t your fight. At least I took a few of them with me.” With that, Woody took his final breath. Emit began to feel a new vibration; rage began to take over. He stood up on top of the meteor and looked at the surrounding soldiers, they had gathered around the bodies of these two giants wondering who this mysterious character was standing above their bodies. Emit let the vibration grow until it felt like fire in his veins, and with a flick of his wrists he started to smash the meteors together. The enemies were being tossed through space until they collided with the flying meteors. In just a few moments the Zeezarpalon clan was vanquished and Woody’s death had been avenged. Emit took Woody’s body to the nearby planet and the people of the village thanked him for defeating their tormentors. The people began to celebrate by dancing and setting off fireworks. Emit concentrated on the vibrations and began to take off into space. He was feeling triumphant as he zipped through time and space, finally back on course to the center of the galaxy where Galaxis was waiting.
Path of Totality
Space was Emit’s playground. His Telekinetic abilities were beginning to thrive; his understanding of them came from within. He raced towards the center of the galaxy where he sought to find salvation for the people of Earth. Emit flexed his abilities as he soared through the abyss. Meteors were used as target practice (exploding with a single thought) and the stars shone brighter as he passed them. He began to wonder if he even needed Galaxis to save Earth, but then he saw it. As he approached the black hole he no longer felt as though he were driving towards it, but rather being sucked in regardless of will. The black hole was massive, and soon he could not see anything but the void in front of him. The portal overpowered him as he entered Galaxis’ gate. Emit looked up to find the engineer tinkering with a map. This map showed the entire galaxy, and it allowed him to monitor the rotation of each solar system factory so he could collect fresh planets for universal fuel. Galaxis turned and looked at Emit, locking minds with him. The two of them shared a psychic bond and didn’t require words to communicate. Galaxis thought “What are you looking at me for? I haven’t got the answer; the answer lies within your mind. Is that the answer you were looking for?”. Emit responded “I need to save my people, are you not the guardian of our galaxy?”. “Your people are not the only ones who suffer. My job is only to collect, not to interfere. However your power, little man, is far greater than mine as you so recklessly demonstrated by smashing your way through system G-20. It will take me eons to undo that joyride to my gate.” Galaxis’ message echo through Emit’s mind as he viewed his flight path on the map. “These powers can save my home?”asked Emit. “Your gift, will save the universe. You must travel to the center, I suspect the creator will have something to tell you. I see his essence in your eyes.” replied Galaxis. With that final thought, Emit was expelled from the black hole back into the galaxy. “My journey is not over? Who is the creator?” he thought to himself. Emit began to head to the nearest wormhole as he started his path towards totality.
Lepus Foramen
Emit emerges from the black hole at the center of the galaxy. His encounter with Galaxis has left him hopeful but confused. “The answer lies within your mind”... These words echo through Emit’s mind as he travels on to the center of the universe. He passes through dozens of planetary systems but has no way of knowing how far he must go to meet the creator. Suddenly, the entrance of a wormhole appears and two figures emerge. The two beings perform a dance and close the wormhole behind them. Emit flies over to them and startles them with his appearance. The two figures perform the dance again and retreat into a new wormhole. Their portal opens close to a nearby planet. Emit rushes to them again, but the twin figures continue to evade him. They seem to appear anywhere their mind can imagine, but they stay near the planet. In the distance, a cloud of dark matter begins to envelope the nearby solar system like a storm of chaos. The darkness swallows the stars and planets it touches; consuming life and extinguishing all light in its path. The twins halt their dance and Emit finally catches up with them. “Who are you and how are you creating those portals?” Emit cries. “I am Lepus” replied the first brother “ and I am Foramen” replied the second. In unison they continued “We do not have time for your questions, the survival of the citizens on K-27 is at stake.” “Let me help you,” replied Emit. Lepus and Foramen create a new worm-hole and beckon Emit to follow them. As soon as Emit enters the wormhole, he is instantly transported to the other side. He is now standing on the surface of a planet, with thousands of people clamoring in panic over the darkness creeping over the horizon. The twins open a large portal and begin to usher people into the tunnel. Emit uses his abilities to lift the elders of the crowd into the portal without slowing the pace of evacuation. The three of them work together in tandem to save all of the habitants of K-27. The twins’ portal is a gateway to a planet far away from the reach of darkness. They travel across the planet ushering all of the people inside of the wormhole. As they reach the final continent, the darkness begins to enter the atmosphere. Emit holds his ground and uses his abilities to hold back the chaos. He fights with all of his strength to withstand the ever-growing darkness attempting to swallow the planet. Emit collapses as the last of the planet's inhabitants enter the wormhole. Lepus and Foramen grab Emit and pull him in just as the dark matter storm consumes the rest of the planet. Emit awakens on a new planet, desolate but free from the darkness. The twins are seated in front of him in a state of meditation. “What was that darkness?” asked Emit. “We don’t know,” said Lepus, “but we have been trying to save as many planets as we can.” “What is your name?” asked Foramen. “They call me Emit,” he replied. In unison the twins asked “What is it that you seek?” “I am on a journey to see the creator…My world is in danger. I don’t know what answers the creator may have, but I must do something” replied Emit. “You are far from the center.” the twins said, “but we can show you a shortcut.” The twins began to teach Emit how to make his own portals by combining his gifts with their skill. The secret to opening a wormhole is in balancing the mind. “The answer lies within your mind”, Emit continued to hear the words from Galaxis as he settled into his newly found ability. If there is to be any chance of repelling the dark matter, Emit must picture the center of the universe and find the creator. Emit recreates the dance of balance and opens up his own wormhole. He enters the wormhole and steps through to the creator's inner domain. Perhaps there, he will find the answers he seeks.
Dream With Me
Emit arrives at the center of the universe through his newly made portal. He looks around and sees a large figure floating in front of a small but intensely bright sphere. The creator is working to contain the energy that fuels the expanse of the universe by clamping his hands around what Emit realizes is a star. Every galaxy provides planets for the star's consumption and with it all life on that planet. This process has been accelerating, creating excess energy that has manifested as the dark matter storm. The darkness is growing at such a rapid rate that it is folding in on itself, devouring planets and star systems as it closes in on the center of the universe. The storm is drawn to the light that the creator is containing because it holds the life-force of this reality. The tighter his grip becomes, the faster the storm grows. Emit approaches the creator and yells, “Please save the universe!”. The creator turns his gaze upon Emit and says “Who dares defy my creation?”. “I am Emit, I have traveled across the cosmos to find you. My world is in danger and in my travels I have seen much suffering caused by the shifting of the planets.” “Impossible, each planet is given time to grow and decay before being turned into fuel” the creator replied. “Not at the rate it is moving now, there is so much life left to live. Think of the dreams that will end, the darkness will consume them if they aren’t turned into fuel” Emit said. “What darkness do you speak of?" asked the creator. He had been so obsessed with creating the most productive and efficient universe that he hadn’t noticed the dark matter storm consuming his creation. “There is a terrible darkness that is covering the universe, it is blotting out stars and taking over planets” Emit replied. The creator was shocked by this news but he continued to hold on to the orb in front of him. “If what you say is true,” he replied “the darkness is my own doing”. “Why did you form this reality to begin with?” Emit asked. The creator is reminded of the thrill involved with imagining this universe. He was angry then, angry because of the ridicule he suffered from the other creators. They made him feel as if he would never be able to create a sustainable life equation. “I desired to create a reality with infinite growth and perfect efficiency” he replied. “I made a planetary factory that expanded its borders as it consumed the exhausted planets. I never considered where the energy would go if there was too much of it”. The efficiency of the factory also limited the time available for life to exist. “Can you dream of a new reality? One that allows the lives you have created to have time to let their stories breathe and unfold? You can’t steer if you don’t move, and you look like you are sitting still. Life is in motion don’t let it be snuffed out” Emit pleaded. “Dream with me, oh dream with me. Dream of the love you will allow to grow by allowing the universe to grow at its own pace”. The creator listened to Emit's pleas with fascination. He was pleased to meet such a compassionate creature from within the chaos of his mind, but horrified that what he built was destroying itself. Slowly he began to release his grip on the star and the universe began to stop its grind. “Perhaps I have been holding on too tightly, it is time for a change. My new dream will be to discover love within the journey” the creator replied. Although the factory had been stopped, the dark matter storm was still in motion. Emit had reached the creator's heart, now we must see if he has the strength to destroy the darkness consuming the universe.
Perform with us during the concert!
This song will be a collaborative effort and we want you to join us. Below you will find a link to the sheet music and learning tracks (a special thank you to our friend David Webb for making our learning tracks!):
Pick the voice part that best suits your range! Bass sings bass line (the lowest part in the bass clef), Baritone sings the inner harmony (the upper part in the bass clef), Lead sings the melody (the lowest part in the treble clef) and tenor sings the upper harmony (the upper part in the treble clef).
Email Charlie if you have any questions:
Dark Matter StorM
Emit and the creator looked out at the stillness of the universe. The solar system factories were no longer producing planets. “It hasn’t looked this way since the beginning,” said the creator. “Just imagine how life will blossom with more time to grow,” replied Emit. Yet there was still movement in the universe. The dark matter storm was coming towards them like a hungry fog. “More… More power” bellowed a voice from the echoes of space. The dark matter storm had come to life and became addicted to consuming the excess power from the factories. It grew to be so powerful that it began consuming all life and light. “You will feel nothing… You will be everything… When you are nothing,” said the creature. “We must do something!” cried Emit. “I must stay and protect the lifeforce. If this darkness reaches the light, it will mean the end of this universe” replied the creator. Emit would need to face this demon on his own. He opened up a new worm-hole and traveled to the edge of the impending storm. “You dare oppose me?” asked the storm. “I stand for light,” replied Emit. “What is there to fight? Your purpose is as clear as mine; To be, then not to be,” said the storm. The creature lunged at Emit by extending its darkness toward him like claws reaching for prey. Emit used his telekinetic abilities to dodge the grip of darkness and fly away. He used his power to wrangle an asteroid field nearby, hurling them at the center of the storm where the voice was coming from. The rocks were absorbed by the fog and did not affect the creature's pursuit. The more that Emit threw at it, the more it grew. A nearby planet was approaching the battle and was in danger of becoming a part of the void. “If I cannot hurt it with force, I must find another way,” thought Emit. He tried his best to lead the storm away from the planet but it was growing closer to devouring its lifeforce. Emit reflected on his talks with the creator and suddenly had a thought. The creator said that he was one of many beings who could create a universe… maybe we could send it to a different reality. Emit traveled back to the creator and told him his idea. “We must send this creature somewhere outside of our universe. It has grown too powerful for us to stop,” said Emit. The creator thought about it for a moment and responded “You will have to use your powers to create a worm-hole to a new reality, and in order to do that you must imagine your own universe”. He went on to say “it is clear to me that you possess this power, but you must not hold back. Use all of your mind to create a portal to a new universe where this creature will be starved of light”. “Why would I hold this back?” asked Emit. “You may not survive this,” answered the creator. “If I can save the universe from darkness, I must do it,” Emit said. He then began the dance of balance and imagined a new reality where he could send the storm. His mind strained under the use of his power but he persisted. The dark matter storm was closing in on the center of the universe. A giant worm-hole opened and began to absorb the darkness. It acted like a black hole by pulling the dark matter storm through the portal while leaving behind the parts of the universe it had consumed along the way. “I will return,” cried the creature. As the last bits of darkness were absorbed by the worm-hole, Emit collapsed at the feet of the creator. He kneeled and picked up the limp form of the man who had just saved reality. “He gave everything to save my creation, I must give back what I can,” the creator thought to himself. He held his body close to the central star and breathed life back into his body. The creator began to fade away as Emit came back to life. “The universe is yours to protect, continue to dream,” he said. Emit began his journey back to Earth, “I think I’ll take the long way home,” he said to himself. He flew through the cosmos on to the next adventure, exploring the universe that he has been bound to protect.
About the band
Girls On Bikes
Charlie Lotspeich
Charlie Lotspeich graduated from UNT in 2010 with a degree in music education (background in vocal pedagogy). After college he began teaching as a middle school choral director. He currently works at Crownover Middle School in Denton ISD. He began playing bass when he was 12 years old. Through the years he has performed with many bands including: Blindside, Derbin, The Conundrum, The Matt Ingram Band, and Human Groove Hormone. Current performing member of Clutch quartet on Tenor (Current 11th place international quartet) and the Vocal Majority Chorus (13 time international champions).
MAtt Brooks
Matt Brooks started playing music at 8 years of age. He attended the University of North Texas where he studied classical guitar and graduated in 2014 with a BA in Music. After graduation, he began teaching guitar and bass lessons at Matt Burk Music Studio in Allen, Texas. Matt has played in a number of original bands including Human Groove Hormone, The Dominant Complex, and most recently Gravity Feed. He was also the lead guitarist for The Enablers, a cover band based in Dallas/Ft. Worth. He currently works as a chart transcriber at Music Notes in Wisconsin.
Vocals and Keyboard
Harrell W. Petersen
Harrell Petersen graduated from the University of North Texas in 2014 with a Bachelor of Music degree having double majored in Music Education and Trumpet Performance. Apart from his professional performing and academic experience on trumpet (including performances with the UNT 1 & 2 O' Clock Lab Bands), he has been a creative member of many groups in Denton on voice and keyboards including The Holophonics, Poachers and Kudzu and has collaborated and performed with The Boombachs and Rude King. He now works as a freelance performer and educator in the DFW area.
NAthan Garrison
Nathan Garrison started studying music at a young age by studying piano and singing in various choirs. He continued his musical studies on the French horn before deciding to focus on the guitar. He graduated from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music with a Bachelors of Music in Classical Guitar Performance before attending the University of North Texas where he earned a Masters of Music in Jazz Studies. He currently teaches at Eastfield College in addition to teaching many private lesson students. He performs regularly with bands all over the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. He has performed with such groups as Inside Out, Big City Outlaws, New Ground, Studio 54, The Enablers, Montage, The Basically Basie Big Band, The Attack Plan, Miller the Band, Skutterhog, and many others. He has many studio recording credits to his name.
Jeremy ooley
Jeremy Ooley graduated from the University of North Texas in 2015 with a double major in the school of music and school of business. He has performed, toured and recorded with various groups in the Houston area such as: Jando, the Aric Harding band, Waiting on Red, the Philip Griffin band, and the UNT Latin Jazz band.
Girls on Bikes
Enjoy these two tracks by Girls On Bikes!
Girls on Bikes
Girls on Bikes
Space Walk: Concept Art
Below you will find art that was inspired by the music and story line of Space Walk. Charlie Lotspeich collaborated with the Art department (Shannon Weaver and Kari Dollar) at his former school (Coppell Middle School North) to have the students create pieces centered around the project. This art was featured at the event as a gallery. Students listened to the music and read the story line, here is what they came up with!
Grace S.
Ahn J.
Ishita S.
Sapna C.
Natalie A.
Helen T.
Sresha V.
Jasmine P.
Menneta M.
Marty H.
Yiwei S.
Please donate to our GoFundMe page at: Donations of $20.00 or more will receive a pair of Solar Eclipse viewing shades AND a Space Walk event poster at check in during the event. Your support is very much appreciated!
If you love the idea of this event and would like to volunteer your time in any way, please contact Charlie Lotspeich at: